Saturday, June 28, 2008

June Happenings

Hi, all
If you would like to follow along with our summer trip click on the link that says summer 2008 in the right hand column. Aside from that here is a quick catch up on the June happenings.

Jacob finished up summer gym and got his Eagle Scout Award. Wesley got an A- in his summer Intro to dance college class. Clark made a week long trip to San Fancisco. Ethan started summer marching band and sold $300 of cookie dough for his band trip. Cameron took swimming lessons, We learned "Thriller" for Cousin Carl's Wedding. We watched UJ drink goldfish after the kids played with them.Robin sat around telling me she was bored for 3 weeks before we left.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Me and the Jman went on trek last week in the wild wastes of Wyoming. The temperatures varied anywhere from about 65 and sunny to 25 and snowy. We decided that the warm parts were when we crossed over into utah. I don't know about J's group, but mine had about 500-600 pictures, so those might get posted, depends on if the readers are trustworthy :)